电磁感应加热线圈与功率 电磁感应加热设备
电磁感应加热线圈与功率 电磁感应加热设备
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The advantage of purchasing one machine is that the initial cost is lower. The disadvantage is that it takes more time to line up two labels that go together to make a single,TIM TEBOW jersey, larger label. If you need to make more than an occasional large label,PATRICK MARLEAU jersey, you may be better off purchasing two printers.
If you need to make labels with a wide range of widths, for example 1/2" and 6" wide labels,Jarome Iginla jersey, there are two options.
Label volume: Machines are typically classified as low, medium or high volume machines. A low volume would be up to about 100 labels per day. A medium volume would be in the range of 100 to 500 labels per day. A high volume would be over 500 labels per day.
How the labels are used: If you will be doing a lot of labeling in multiple locations, having a portable machine will save a lot of time. For example,LYNN SWANN jersey, electricians and instrument technicians typically find a handheld labeler they can carry in their toolbox to be the most useful. There are also portable desktop machines that are not as easy to carry as a handheld, but which still can be moved from one location to another as needed.
How the labels will be used also determines the type of label material. Label materials are covered on a separate page.
Option 2: You can get one machine that has the ability to produce tiled labels. A machine that prints 1/2" to 3" wide labels would work fine. It could directly print the *** aller labels. The larger labels would be printed in two strips which are joined together to make the 6" label.
Option 1: You can get two labeling machines,GALE SAYERS jersey, one for the *** aller labels and the other to make the larger labels.
How the labels will be used will also have a major influence on the print method that will be used (see above).
Label size: Label materials are available in widths from 1/4" wide up to 10" wide. However,Bart Starr jersey, there are no machines that can print labels over that range of widths. Label printers are available that will make labels in a variety of widths. Typically they can be divided by size into three groups.
The lager the size of label you need,TERRELL DAVIS jersey, the fewer the options. For example,Steve Yzerman jersey, if you need to make 6" and wider labels, you'll need to use a non-portable desktop machine.
Printers that make labels from 1/4" to 1" in width Printers that make labels from 1/2" to 4" in width Printers that make labels from 4" to 10" in width
How you plan to use your labeling machine,PHILIP RIVERS jersey, and the type of labels you need to print,MORTEN ANDERSEN jersey, will dictate the type of labeling machine. You'll need to take into consideration factors such as the volume of labels to be printed, the size of the labels,Mike Modano jersey, and how the labels will be used.
感应加热是利用电磁感应的 *** 使被加热的材料的内部产生电流,依靠这些涡流的能量达到加热目的。感应加热系统的基本组成包括感应线圈,交流电源和工件。根据加热对象不同,可以把线圈 *** 成不同的形状。线圈和电源相连,电源为线圈提供交变电流,流过线圈的交变电流产生一个通过工件的交变磁场,该磁场使工件产生涡流来加热。
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