美国网友:每天40分钟中等强度锻炼 才能抵消10个小时的久坐
美国网友:每天40分钟中等强度锻炼 才能抵消10个小时的久坐
44 370 men and women were followed for 4.0 to 14.5 years during which 3451 participants died (7.8% mortality rate). Associations between different combinations of moderate-to-vigorous intensity physical activity (MVPA) and sedentary time were analysed at study level using Cox proportional hazards regression analysis
Results Across cohorts, the average time spent sedentary ranged from 8.5 hours/day to 10.5 hours/day and 8 min/day to 35 min/day for MVPA.
Conclusion Higher sedentary time is associated with higher mortality in less active individuals when measured . About 30–40 min of MVPA per day attenuate the association between sedentary time and risk of death.
All things considered, this is not a bad ratio. 40 minutes to counteract 10 hours comes out to 4 minutes of "moderate to vigorous intensity" per hour of sitting.
I did a 45 minute cycle class today, so I get 11.25 hours of carefree sitting!
Dude same, after running for 5km, my body is aching even though I've been running the same length for 3 years now.
I’d highly suggest some strength training, stretching more. I’m a big guy and I’ve gotten to about an 11 min per mile 5k and can do them back to back days. I know it’s not fast, but steady wins the race.
I noticed doing strength training and proper stretching significantly helped me run 35 mins non stop.
Exercising for 40 minutes isn't too tough, it's having to do it every day. There's always at least one day a week I'm too tired to do anything but crash when I get home, or it's too hot to exercise, or whatever
Grad Student|Information Systems|Business Administration
Making it an every day thing requires a change in mentality. Its hard to start that. Much harder to wake up every day and try to drag yourself to a treadmill. That has been my experience, having gone from totally sedentary to 500+ or so exercise hours per year
I think thats a big part of the American obesity problem, I think there's a lot of people that view exercise as this extraordinary thing, that normal life doesn't need to include it. But we are evolved to hunt and gather, which involves a lot of physical activity. You take that away, and the human body has to grapple with an unnatural state, and your health suffers as a result
I grew up in the country and never walked my dogs, but as an adult living in the city it became apparent to me that short little jaunts around the block weren't nearly enough for my 20 pound schipperke, so I take him to destinations every day. That might be the beach, or a nice hike, but we always move for at least an hour, but at least three times a week we go 6+ miles.
I am very obese and struggle with improving my diet, this increase in exercise hasn't helped me lose weight, but it has drastically reduced persistant pain, lowered my heart rate, and made it so I no longer get winded doing everyday tasks.
It’s also not good to exercise every day (unless you’re a professional athlete who has trainers/people monitoring you and exceptional physical fitness). I have a rigorous fitness schedule but part of that rigor involves two days off a week. Rest is a necessary part of an active lifestyle
Americans are obese because we live in cities designed around cars.
There was much less obesity in the 50s, 60s and 70s but the car culture was booming. I don’t love auto-centric urban planning but I don’t think this fully explains obesity.
And we eat too much of the wrong foods. And we're overworked and don't sleep enough. And we're emotionally unwell. And we have poor healthcare access.
We're fat for lots of reasons.
I know plenty of fit people that own a car and live in a metropolis. Obese people are obese because they justify their laziness.
The obesity problem in America is purely drinking too much soda and eating too much food problem.
You'd be surprised to know... Countries where obesity is the lowest (Asia), are countries where no-one really exercises. My skinny af girlfriend wouldn't even walk 50 meters, she'd take a her scooter and drive it right on the pavement of wherever she wanted to go.
The quality of food is also not an issue, most Asian countries technically have very unhealthy high sugar diets, but they simply don't eat as much!
Unless you change the diet there will be no change, if fat Americans exercise, they will just eat more... And if you change the diet you don't even need the exercise..
Look at photos of people pre 1990s - generally way slimmer than people of similar ages today. Active childhoods, less sedentary jobs, reasonable work hours and less Screentime. If you made it past mid 50s (cancers/heart disease) you generally lived to a decent age. Generations these days are almost born into obesity.
I really feel this when I see kids today riding around on electric scooters and bikes.
Lifespan is longer now but healthspan is much shorter. The average 40 year old is a wreck now compared to the 1970s eg: obesity, joint issues etc. I know many 75 year olds in better health than the 40yos. Everyone did more cardio before the 1990s. Source: photos and talking to older people.
The amount of people who don't know anything about the food they're eating is insane.Then you look at their diet and their snacking alone is 1000 calories.
Actually you don’t change peoples behaviors, but what can be done is change peoples environments.
So building more walkable, bike-friendly cities where people can incorporate exercise into their routines without going out of their way to devote time and money to one discrete activity would be best for systemic fitness
Many, many people devote far greater than 40 minutes of their non-working hours each day to staring at a screen.
I’m not judging (I come home from work and sit on the couch plenty), but time isn’t the issue. It’s a simple lack of desire.
this is a hard truth that people don't want to hear.
Jocko willix(an ex navy seal commander) has a great quote and mantra, discipline equals freedom. It really is true when u exercise discipline for the things you need/want to accomplish you find freedom in the rest of your day/life
Jocko willix(前海豹突击队指挥官)有一句名言:纪律等于自由。确实,当你为你需要/想要完成的事情锻炼时,你会在接下来的日子/生活中找到自由
I bought a standing desk and an under the desk treadmill so I can walk and work/game at the same time. Seems to work out quite well so far.
So many people drive cars to work when they could be riding bikes instead—cycling is cheaper, better for the environment, and better for your health.
People would rather binge watch Netflix series for 5+ hours straight than devote just 1 hour for exercise. They care more about shows than their own personal well being. I used to do the same I now exercise for 1.5 hours everyday while watching my favorite shows. I also run for around 10km every alternate day after work.
they're not willing to sacrifice leisure. The vast majority (obviously not all) of people have at least 3-5 hours a day after work and getting necessities done. Sitting and watching TV really isn't that satisfying when it comes down to it. The time flies and you hardly remember it, and rarely feel satisfied afterwards.
This is sadly true, because we've been conditioned to just sit on our *ss and just eat or just watch a screen or worse both.. really its such a nice feeling being outdoors..
If you make health and fitness a priority, you work it in no matter how busy you are. The problem lays in many many people not having fitness as a priority at all
I think a lot of it has to do with how we sit with our knees bent. It puts a lot of demand on the cardiovascular system in our legs, especially when you stay like that for long periods without moving around to help the blood flow.
I started to work off the lockdown weight gain three months ago. I'm doing 40mins to an hour of cardio or strength training per day and started eating clean. Weight and fat percentages are dropping noticeably, muscle is increasing, and that's with a job that requires me sitting at my computer often more than 10 hours a day. Honestly I'm surprised at how much progress can be made in less than 7 hours per week of exercise.
Yeah, remember "sitting is the new smoking"? It always seemeds to me that sitting what's the least unhealthy part of a sedentary lifestyle. My dad's sits 8 hours at work and sits when it comes home, but he's also a marathon runner who runs about an hour a day, which makes up for the sitting and even somewhat bad eating habits.
This is what got me to start lifting and rowing again. I can't believe just exactly how weak I became by doing nothing but sitting on my ass for the entire length of the pandemic.
I noticed it being more difficult than it should be to just stand up off the couch from a sitting position, and one day after squatting down to pick something up, I almost had to put my hand on the floor to balance and get back up.
It was a huge wake-up call and I'm back to lifting 3 days per week and rowing on the other days.
Why rowing in particular if i may ask? Is rowing superior to other cardio in some way or do you just enjoy it more?
works your core, legs, arms, and back if I remember correctly
Makes it easy to listen to music or an audiobook or see a screen. And it works more muscle groups than running.
You just convinced me to buy a rowing machine, my poor wallet
Swimming is better. It's extremely low impact as the buoyancy of the water removes pressure off your joints and you use all muscles in your body. If you have access to a pool or a swim spa, do this.
Lemme just go check my hours logged in world of warcraft.... Hmm I should be dead.
moderate intensity
Walking two miles in 30 minutes.
Biking five miles in 30 minutes.
Swimming laps for 20 minutes.
Running one and a half miles in 15 minutes.
Doing water aerobics for 30 minutes.
Playing volleyball for 45 minutes.
Playing basketball for 20 minutes.
Jumping rope for 15 minutes.
Walking stairs for 15 minutes.
Washing your car for 45 minutes to an hour.
Gardening for 30 to 45 minutes.
Raking leaves for 30 minutes.
Dancing for 30 minutes.
The best way to make it stick is find an exercise you really enjoy doing. There are tons of options out there. I've tried the gym and I hate it. I also really don't like running, especially because I live in a city with awful pollution. When I play drums, my whole body sweats, it's something I look forward to, and I can go for at least an hour. Same with skateboarding.
7000 steps is the optimal amount of steps per day for longevity
Works out to: 3.4 miles. If walking, that's 1-1.5 hour. If running, that's even less.
mailmen have lower heart disease
"Walking can provide a lot of the same benefits of running. But running burns nearly double the number of calories as walking. For example, for someone who's 160 pounds, running at 5 miles per hour (mph) burns 606 calories. Walking briskly for the same amount of time at 3.5 mph burns just 314 calories" Basically, the faster your heartrate, the faster you burn calories.
Is it possible that the people didn't die due to inactivity, but were instead more sedentary due to other factors that did contribute to their death? That is, people who are healthier feel better and are therefore more active because they have the energy and vitality to do more activity?
This is cool, but I've read other studies that have shown that even a small amount of exercise significantly reduces risk of a host of conditions vs. being sedentary all day long.
For some very out of shape or older people, 40 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity may be daunting. However, they shouldn't just give up. Just do anything to be active even for fifteen minutes a day. Walk the dog, hell, just take a walk and enjoy the outdoors. Especially in an environment full of trees or other green places. Other research even shows that spending time in park-like or natural environments can improve your mood. Particularly if you suffer from certain mental illnesses!
Bottom line: get off your butt, go outside, and walk, even if it's just for a little while. Once you recognize the benefits, then start thinking about longer periods or even more intense physical activity. Walk before you run.
previous research that basically said sitting for more than 4 hours a day was correlated with increase in all-cause mortality and that no amount of exercising would offset it.
For example, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends adults do moderate-intensity aerobic exercise for two hours and 30 minutes every week, plus muscle strengthening activities on two or more days a week.
As total sedentary time increased, so did early death by any cause, the results indicated. Overall then, participants' risk of death grew in tandem with total sitting time duration -- no matter their age, sex, race, body mass index or exercise habits.
Finally, people who frequently sat for more than 90 minutes at a stretch had a nearly two-fold greater risk of death than those who almost always sat for less than 90 minutes at a stretch, he said.
some scientists theorize that more sitting leads to reductions in insulin sensitivity, while others believe net calorie expenditures decline as sitting increases.
"Persons with uninterrupted sedentary bouts of 30 minutes or more had the highest risk for death if total sedentary time also exceeded 12.5 hours per day," noted Alter. "Conversely, in those whose daily sedentary volumes were low, uninterrupted bout lengths had little if any associated effects on mortality."
By teasing out these two threads, the findings show excessive sitting is bad and even worse if it is accumulated in lengthy, uninterrupted bouts throughout the day, noted Alter.
The longer the duration of sitting, the more negative the impact on our cardiovascular health."
Steinbaum, who was not involved in the study, said moving around every 30 minutes is recommended.
Asked if, say, a standing desk might be helpful for those who work desk jobs, Diaz said "there is limited evidence to suggest that standing is a healthier alternative to sitting."
"So if you have a job or lifestyle where you have to sit for prolonged periods, the best suggestion I can make is to take a movement break every half hour," said Diaz. "Our findings suggest this one behavior change could reduce your risk of death."
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Lifestyle habits are sometimes very difficult to change for a lot of reasons. If I had lots of people regularly around me who also were visibly enthusiastic about fitness and living well, from a young age until now, I would very likely have adopted values similar to their own. I'd probably be in incredible shape. That's a kind of privilege, in a way. Not everyone is fortunate like that. That's not to excuse their choices, but it helps to provide context for why some might not be interested or informed.
Like a good diet for one person might be broccoli for dinner every night, but if you just copy that, you might give it up of you don't like broccoli. But if you've looked at what a good diet might mean, what you can be happy eating, what works for your schedule, etc. And landed on broccoli, thats much better even if you cook it with some butter
I just started running 20 min a day on the treadmill 2 weeks ago. Was feeling pretty good too....well...maybe i'll just start doing 40 min then.
Ramp it up slowly. Doubling your workout immediately might lead to injury.
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